Tuesday 5 August 2008

Back in the saddle

Bertrude asked if i wanted to contribute so here goes...

I've ridden 3 times this past week after my enforced 6 week break due to Mr 'I just didn't see you' leaving me with broken elbow, rib and deflated lung. It's good to be back on the bike and I'm not feeling too many resulting issues except an elevated fear of traffic at junctions and feeling out of shape. Hopefully both can be overcome quickly.

Using my cross bike on the road is like long distance travel in a landrover, compared to the sports car that was the Colnago. I'm waiting until I know the outcome of the insurance claim before investing in a new steed, and will probably just ride the cross bike the rest of this year. Bertrude's recent pillage of wiggle for enough gear to kit out a small pro team has shown the way, though my innate dislike of spending money means it will inevitably be a more considered process.

Had a mildly concerning event on the ride with Ferg last night. He crashed a couple of years ago while decending after having a speed wobble. A similar thing happened last night, though at relatively low speed. I'm not sure what causes a speed wobble, but I suspect his bike (2nd hand off e-bay) might be out of line, maybe from a previous crash... He didn't crash this time, but it was disconcerting to see from behind.

It looks the next ride will be with Bertrude, Vetinary Beale, and Fergus on Saturday morning as the weather looks set sh*tty until then.

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