No, its not some Spanish porn site, L'Eroica is a vintage sportive on the gravel roads of Tuscany, trying to recreate the 'heroic' era of cycling. The route features the grueling, relentless dusty tracks that criss-cross the region. Don't expect power bars and energy drinks at the feed stations either, instead you'll be presented with a selection of meats, breads, olives and wine.

Unfortunately due to the huge amount of entrants last year (3000), this years edition will be restricted to 'heroic' bikes only. The definition of heroic appears to be anything pre-1987, with externally routed cables, toeclip pedals etc. So get rumaging around in the shed and dig out your old steed, or your Dad's, or your Granddad's if it comes to it.
Sportive is on October 5th. Gwyd, if you can find a bike, I'm sure you can perfect a fantastic heroic facial hair design for it!
that is my favourite of the listed bikes, It is sort of a SS however it has an amazing rear gear change device. I think I will give this a miss this year as I need a minimum of 6 months to grow any beard of required length
Ooohh, Tuscany. I've cycled there before: Firenze to Siena. It was heaven. Like a sunny, olive-lined version of mid-Wales.
It starts in Siena :O)
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